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"Our daughter Keilani loved learning at Bright Beginnings! She came home excited about phonics and even enjoyed doing homework! Kei did writing assignments, brought home books, and even started reading before kindergarten! Even today, Kei’s love for reading and writing has blessed her life and she views all things related to school with such positivity and excitement because of Lara and her program! We are so grateful!"

-Jennifer Kajiyama Tinkham, JD, MPA

"Lara Wasson is a brilliant educator with years of training and professional experience.  Her personal phonics curriculum is excellent and a proven program for children of all skill levels.  She developed a phonics curriculum that is creative, educational, engaging, and fun.  All four of my children attended Bright Beginning Preschool and developed a love for learning thanks to Lara and her phonics curriculum.  As a parent, I truly appreciated the diversity in her curriculum which includes storytelling, games, role playing, singing, and more.  As an educator, I appreciated Lara’s love of teaching and genuine care for each child which led to their individual successes.  Lara’s phonics curriculum helps kids learn while having fun. Many of them learn to read before starting kindergarten and have developed the foundational skills they need to continue their academic success.  I love Lara and appreciate what she’s done not only for my children but for our community of learners.

 -Joselyn Akana, MSW 


“Our daughter Mahina looks forward to going to school every single day and is dilligent in not wanting to miss ANYTHING. She has also excelled in her phonics and constantly improving on her alphabet letters, sounds and more! I couldn’t be more grateful for Mrs. Wasson taking her time to educate all the keikis here in Hawaii!

We can only imagine how much improvement each child can gain whether it is from attending preschooling, gaining knowledge from the phonics lessons and more Bright beginnings sets a foundation for a bright future for our keiki and we are forever grateful for that!”

-Anela & Brandon Benavides


“I cannot say enough about Mrs. Wasson’s methods of teaching young children how to read! Proven to work in her kindergarten classes, she brought this same phonics approach to preschoolers and introduced reading recognition in a fun and memorable way.  She incorporates rhymes, songs, repetition, crafts, and writing to create confident pre-K readers!  Her system is amazing! Our family has been blessed to have Mrs. Wasson’s phonics system create confident readers that were prepared to succeed when they entered kindergarten.  We are so grateful for her dedication in creating this amazing phonics program!”

-The Gilman Family


“Mrs. Wasson has developed a phenomenal phonics and reading program for early learners.  Based on 30+ years of experience in early education, she has created a proven and trusted program that preschoolers love and remember.  In the words of my two girls who have gone through her program, "We don't like Mrs. Wasson's phonics lessons, WE LOVE THEM!" Her fun and memorable lessons engage preschoolers, encourage growth, and builds self-confidence.  Mrs. Wasson’s proven that learning to read can be fun and simple!  Her program works for all preschoolers. 

My about to be 2nd grader became a strong, confident reader, ahead of her class in kindergarten and first grade at a well-regarded private school.  Mrs. Wasson gifted her a love for reading and learning.  

My about to be kindergarten daughter had a slower start with reading at her former preschool and would become frustrated.  When we switched her to Mrs. Wasson’s program, she instantly reset and within a couple of weeks her reading took off.  She’s now confidently reading books, is proud of her own growth, and loves Mrs. Wasson’s lessons.  Don’t pass up an opportunity to enroll in Bright Beginning Preschool or its program. The school’s curriculum and environment will develop your whole child - academically, socially, physically and individually.  Take the dive and enroll.  You won’t be disappointed.”

- Ka’ala Duffy


“I just recently graduated from Kahuku High School and was fortunate enough to receive the 2020 Bright Beginning Scholarship. I attended Bright Beginning Preschool in 2006 and I still remember looking forward to going to school everyday. Mrs.Wasson and all the teachers were so welcoming and friendly. Not only did they make us feel comfortable but they inspired fun learning. Some of my favorite memories are music time with Uncle Benny Kai, Mrs.Wasson spending extra time to help me write when I was struggling, and pool days with my classmates. Bright Beginning Preschool will always have a special place in my heart because it is where my love for learning began.

- Keili Crismon



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